The experts in best professional practices in the Relocation Industry endorse us as Top Perfomer in Quality!
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This is how EY auditors have certified us through the auditing process carried out by FAIM In situ, a process that this association carries out every 3 years, with the purpose of verifying and validating the high-quality service processes carried out by the most select and best companies in the world, specialists in international relocation and moving services.
Some results impeccable accrediting us as a company that meets service quality requirements until 2027.
This being our second result as TOP PERFORMER, special and honorable mention for those of us who achieve more than excellent results.
We want to celebrate this important merit with you, thanks to our collaborators, customers and business partners who accompany us in our purpose of offering you the most professional and reliable international moving service.
Thank you all, Venezuelan pride, JJ Marí pride,